Ever wondered how to do those fantastic breaking wall pieces? Wonder no more, here is a free GraffitBible course on just how to do that split up into smaller sections!
Watch our video while reading these points to make sure you follow along!
1. Make a sketch to mark how big this wall breaking background
should be. First lines are critical, since you can’t
change as easy as when you are painting on a primed wall.
If you are painting on a brick wall, use the bricks as guidelines,
so your lines will be straight.
2. Add shadows to the cracks. It will often look best if you
make the shadows follow a vanishing point in the middle
of the wallbreak.
3. Sketch your piece in front of it. Make it overlap some
parts of the cracks, so to enhance the effect of it breaking
through the wall.
4. Cut your outer edges of the cracks with the same color
as the original wall (in this case white) and fill-in the background.
5. Paint your piece.
6. Add extra flying bricks to achieve a more 3-Dimensional
look. Make the bricks vary in size and in perspective. Some
of them can even be broken pieces instead of whole bricks.
7. Add cast shadows inside the wall breaks to add more
depth to the piece.
Course Features
- Lectures 6
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 15 minutes
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English
- Students 284
- Assessments Yes